We Love Being Matchmakers…
I love being a matchmaker ❤️🏡🌃
When my friends want to buy property outside my market, I love hooking them up with rockstar agents I know and trust to help them navigate the local market.

We LOVE being matchmakers ❤️🏡🌃
When our friends want to buy property outside the Bronx, we love hooking them up with rockstar real estate agents we know and trust to help them navigate the local market.
Our friend and her boyfriend were looking to buy an old house upstate with at least 5 acres of land. We introduced them to an agent experienced in New York’s Capital Region who helped them sort through different towns, counties, and property types.

They quickly found a gorgeous historic home near Saratoga Springs- built in 1780 on 5 acres of land, within commuting distance to NYC (well… once-monthly commuting! 😂😉)

Now our friend and her FIANCÉ couldn’t be happier❤️. And we do this for people every single day. Are you moving outside of NYC? Get in touch with us and we’ll hook you up with a great agent, too! 🏡